
04/04/2014 Computing Laplace and Fourier transforms, Helmholtz-Workshop: Mathematics for imaging, Bad Harzburg
03/04/2012 Local approximation in the butterfly algorithm, Helmholtz-Workshop: Mathematics for photoacoustic imaging III, Schöna
20/09/2011 Schnelle Fourier-Transformation für dünne Daten, DMV: Studierendenkonferenz, Köln
30/03/2011 Butterfly fast Fourier transforms, Helmholtz-Workshop: Mathematics for photoacoustic imaging II, Erlbach
05/02/2011 Schnelle Fourier-Transformation für dünne Daten, 21. Rhein-Ruhr-Workshop, Königswinter
24/03/2010 Eine schnelle Fourier-Transformation für schwachbesetzte Signale, Helmholtz-Workshop: Mathematics for photoacoustic imaging, Lindenberg

Talks in our "Oberseminar in Applied Analysis", Osnabrück

07/06/2016 Fast polynomial transforms based on Toeplitz and Hankel matrices
17/11/2015 Fast and Approximate Computation of Laplace and Fourier Transforms
12/05/2015 Approximation of asymptotically smooth Kernels
13/01/2015 Fast evaluation of polynomials in the unit disk
23/04/2013 The butterfly fast Fourier transform
22/11/2011 Bernstein inequalities for trigonometric polynomials
29/11/2010 Butterfly fast Fourier transform

Participation at summer and winter schools

06-09 October 2014 Summer school, Combinatorial Structures in Geometry, Osnabrück
18-22 August 2014 Advanced Numerical Methods for Non-local Operators, Zürich
17-21 March 2014 Winter school, Combinatorial Structures in Geometry, Bad Bevensen
24-28 September 2012 Summer School on Applied Analysis, Chemnitz
23-27 July 2012 Image Reconstruction, Mathematics and Applications, München
26-30 September 2011 Summer School on Applied Analysis, Chemnitz
22-26 August 2011 A Computational Approach to Harmonic Analysis, Marburg

Participation at conferences

23-27 September 2013 Discrepancy, Numerical Integration and Hyperbolic Cross Approximation, Hausdorff center for mathematics, Bonn
20-23 June 2013 Mecklenburger Workshop: Approximationsmethoden und schnelle Algorithmen, Hasenwinkel
03-04 May 2013 34. Norddeutsches Kolloquium über angewandte Analysis und Numerische Mathematik, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
10-16 June 2012 Applied Harmonic Analysis and Sparse Approximation, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach. Click here for a picture.
27-28 May 2011 32. Norddeutsches Kolloquium über angewandte Analysis und Numerische Mathematik, Osnabrück